麻豆传媒映画 啜曕﹫啜傕í
At 麻豆传媒映画, we firmly believe that education extends beyond the walls of the classroom. One of the most cherished and impactful traditions at our school is the annual camps that cater to students from Years 5 to 12. These camps offer a transformative experience, nurturing personal growth, teamwork and resilience, all while have a great deal of fun in the process!
We are all about inclusiveness and providing equal opportunities to all students to participate in school camps. Recognising the importance of social bonding, we organise separate camps for girls and boys, ensuring everyone feels comfortable and confident to explore their potential. School camps present a unique environment for students to step out of their comfort zone and embrace independence. Away from the familiarity of home, students are encouraged to make decisions, solve problems and adapt to new surroundings.聽 These experiences contribute significantly to building self- confidence and a sense of responsibility. |
啜曕﹫啜傕í啜距▊ 啜掂ǹ喋编 啜膏啜距ó啜 啜灌è:
- 啜膏ň啜 5 啜曕﹫啜傕í
- 啜膏ň啜 8 啜ň啜灌ò喋 啜膏ǹ啜栢ǹ啜 啜ň啜むò啜
- 啜膏┌啜﹪啜侧è 啜掂ǹ啜栢﹪ 啜膏ň啜 7 啜曕﹫啜傕í
- 啜膏ň啜 9 啜曕﹫啜傕í
- 啜膏ň啜 12 啜曕﹫啜傕í
啜曕﹫啜傕í啜距▊ 啜掂ǹ啜 啜膏啜距ó啜 啜灌⿱啜 啜︵﹪ 啜侧ň啜
- 啜呧ě啜苦▎啜〞啜距▊ 啜呧à喋 啜膏ǹ啜栢ǹ啜呧à 啜曕﹫啜傕í 啜﹪啜膏喋囙ǖ啜班ň啜 啜︵﹪ 啜ㄠň啜 啜涏⿱啜熰﹪ 啜膏ó喋傕ü.
- 啜è喋嬥ò喋班啜 啜︵﹢啜嗋▊ 啜ň啜灌ò喋 啜呧à喋 啜呧┌啜︵ò啜侧﹢啜嗋▊ 啜椸à喋啜掂ǹ啜о﹢啜嗋▊ 啜︵ň 啜夃é喋囙ǜ啜 啜膏┌啜氞ň啜 啜灌﹣啜ㄠò 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜掂ě啜距▔啜`ň.
- 啜膏ó喋编ǜ啜苦▎ 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜灌┍啜 啜曕ò啜 啜呧à喋 啜膏ó啜距啜苦〞 啜曕﹣啜膏啜侧à啜距ǖ啜距▊ 啜掂ǹ喋编 啜膏﹣啜оň啜 啜曕ò啜︵ň 啜灌﹫.
- 啜曕﹣啜︵ò啜 啜∴﹣喋编ì啜`ň, 啜囙ú喋堗〞啜熰⿳啜班ň啜ㄠǹ啜 啜┌啜椸ň啜 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜︵﹤啜 啜曕ò啜ㄠň 啜呧à喋 啜оǹ啜嗋è 啜曕﹪啜傕é啜班à 啜曕ò啜ㄠň.
- 啜膏ǹ啜栢ú啜距▓ 啜⿳啜班ň啜à 啜ň啜灌ò - 啜栢﹪啜∴ň啜 啜呧à喋 啜栢﹪啜∴ň啜 啜ㄠň啜 啜掂ǹ啜呧〞啜む﹢啜椸à 啜曕ú啜距ǜ啜距▊.
- 啜︵ǹ啜侧啜膏í 啜﹢啜侧ā 啜︵ǹ啜 (啜掂ň啜熰ò 啜﹫啜侧﹤啜 啜熰ň啜, 啜班ǹ啜侧﹪啜 啜班﹪啜膏ň啜 啜呧à喋 啜灌⿱啜 啜ü喋佮à 啜曕﹣啜).
- 啜膏ǖ喋-啜ㄠǹ啜班ō啜班à啜 啜︵﹪ 啜灌﹣啜ㄠò 啜呧à喋 啜膏﹣啜む┌啜むò啜むň 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜掂ě啜距▔啜傕é啜 啜灌﹫.
啜灌⿱啜 啜溹ň啜`〞啜距ò喋
啜曕﹫啜傕í 啜掂ǹ啜 啜è喋嬥ò喋班啜 啜︵ň 啜膏ó啜距▊ 啜む﹫啜班ň啜曕﹢, 啜灌ň啜堗〞啜苦┌啜, 啜呧à喋 啜曕﹫啜傕í 啜ň啜囙ò 啜夃┍啜む﹪ 啜ň啜班ǜ啜监ó啜侧⿱ 啜﹣喋班è 啜曕﹪ 啜呧à喋 啜︵﹪啜 啜班ň啜 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜夃è喋嵿ü啜距▊ 啜︵﹢啜嗋▊ 啜曕ü啜距ǎ喋啜嗋▊ 啜膏﹣啜`ň啜夃ǎ 啜︵﹣啜嗋ò啜 啜侧⿱啜曕ň啜 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜嗋í啜`﹪ 啜掂┍啜 啜栢ǹ喋编啜︵ň 啜灌﹫.
啜⿳啜班ǜ啜监è? 啜膏ň啜∴﹪ 啜ㄠň啜 啜膏┌啜ò啜 啜曕ò喋 啜愢ā啜ǹ啜ˊ颈肠辞尘.惫颈肠.别诲耻.补耻