The Junior Years 7&8
Stepping into Exploration Embarking on the pivotal journey into Secondary College, the Junior Years hold a phase of Discovery in Learning. We lay emphasis on Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogy that invite exploration and investigation. Here, learning is tailored to spark the innate curiosity and wonder that naturally resides in young minds, laying a foundation for a lifelong love of knowledge.
Year 7 camp is filled with leadership & team building activities where students develop resilience and social skills.聽 The camp allows our students to venture out of their comfort zone and interact with nature.
啜嗋▓ 啜膏﹢ 啜 啜愢ó 啜む﹪ 啜呧ǜ喋啜 啜灌ò 啜膏┌啜ǖ 啜︵ǹ啜膏啜 啜掂ǹ啜 啜む﹪啜溹喋 啜ㄠň啜 啜むò喋编〞喋 啜曕ò啜︵﹪ 啜班ü啜苦┌啜︵﹪ 啜灌ň啜. 啜膏ň啜∴ň 啜夃é喋囙ǜ啜 啜膏ň啜∴﹪ 啜掂ǹ啜︵ǹ啜嗋ò啜ム﹢啜嗋▊ 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜椸⿳啜班﹫啜溹﹤啜忇 啜膏﹣啜む┌啜むò, 啜溹啜苦┌啜﹪啜掂ň啜 啜呧à喋 啜嗋ú喋嬥啜ㄠň啜むó啜 啜膏⿱啜 啜掂ň啜侧﹪ 啜ㄠ⿲啜溹ǖ啜距è 啜嗋ǜ啜熰ò喋囙ú喋啜嗋▓ 啜﹣啜膏ú啜ň啜 啜掂喋嬥▊ 啜掂﹪啜栢ǎ啜 啜灌﹫.