
Welcome to Middle Years

The Middle Years 9&10

Navigating Personal Growth as our students transition into the Middle Years, the focus shifts towards Personal Growth Learning. Our Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogy in this phase lean heavily on nurturing a sense of maturity and self-awareness. By fostering connections with the world on a local, national, and global scale, we encourage students to question, reflect, and understand the broader context of their lives. This crucial stage also empowers them with the responsibility of charting their path and making decisions about their future pursuits in the Senior Years.

Di 麻豆传媒映画 kami terus berkembang secara eksponensial ke segala arah. Kami bertujuan untuk melihat siswa kami lulus sebagai pemuda Muslim Australia yang mandiri, bertanggung jawab, dan berpikiran kritis.


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