啜ň Foundation啜傕ā喋囙ǜ啜监è 啜︵ň啜栢ú啜
2026 Foundation Enrolments opened 23/4/2024.
2026 Foundation Enrolments closes 8/4/2025.
2026 Foundation Testing Days are Friday 20/6/2025 and Monday 23/6/2025.
2024 & 2025 Foundation Enrolments are now closed (closed 2/4/2024).
啜膏ň啜 1-6 啜︵ň啜栢ú啜
Due to the exceedingly high number of students on the waiting list, we are unfortunately unable to offer enrolment opportunities for Years 1 – 6 at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
啜︵ň啜栢ú喋 啜侧▓ 啜⿱啜椸à啜 啜呧à喋 啜ň啜班ó
啜ò啜む﹢ 啜︵﹢ 啜﹣喋编啜椸ǹ喋编
啜溹ǹ啜掂﹪啜 啜曕ǹ 啜曕ň啜侧 啜ㄠ﹤喋 啜灌ò 啜膏ň啜 啜ü喋佮à 啜膏ň啜班﹢啜嗋▊ 啜呧ò啜溹喋啜嗋▊ 啜ǹ啜侧é喋啜嗋▊ 啜灌è, 啜曕ǹ啜膏﹪ 啜掂﹢ 啜呧ě喋傕ò喋 啜呧ò啜溹喋 啜む﹪ 啜曕ň啜班ǖ啜距▓ 啜ㄠü喋啜 啜曕﹢啜む﹢ 啜溹ň啜忇喋. 啜囙ǜ 啜掂ǹ啜 啜ň啜班ó 啜溹ó喋嵿ü啜 啜曕ò啜 啜掂﹪啜侧﹪ 啜膏┌啜┌啜оǹ啜 啜︵ǜ啜むň啜掂﹪啜溹 啜﹣啜灌┍啜堗▎ 啜ㄠň 啜曕ò啜ㄠň 啜膏啜距ó啜 啜灌﹫.
啜ü喋佮à 啜膏ň啜班﹪ 啜曕ň啜班è啜距▊ 啜曕ò啜曕﹪, 啜溹ǹ啜 啜掂ǹ喋编 啜曕ň啜侧 啜掂ǹ喋编 啜膏﹢啜ǹ啜 啜ムň啜傕ǖ啜距▊ 啜︵﹢ 啜夃í啜侧ì啜оà啜 啜膏啜距ó啜 啜灌﹫, 啜︵ň啜栢ú啜 啜ň啜班ó 啜溹ó喋嵿ü啜距▊ 啜曕ò啜ㄠň 啜呧à喋 啜ú喋囙ǜ啜﹫啜傕 啜熰﹫啜膏 啜︵﹪ 啜むǜ喋编ú喋啜啜膏 啜┍啜оò '啜む﹪ 啜⿳啜班é啜班ǜ啜监è 啜曕ò啜ㄠň 啜む﹣啜灌ň啜∴﹪ 啜┍啜氞﹪ 啜侧▓ 啜溹啜班﹤啜班﹢ 啜ㄠü喋啜 啜灌﹫ 啜曕ǹ 啜夃ü 啜む﹣啜灌ň啜∴﹪ 啜曕ň啜侧 啜掂ǹ啜 啜é啜掂﹢ 啜︵﹢ 啜椸ò喋班喋 啜︵﹪ 啜膏〞喋.
啜曕ǹ啜班í啜 啜曕ò啜曕﹪ 啜ㄠ⿱啜 啜曕ò喋 啜曕ǹ 啜曕ň啜侧 啜︵ň啜栢ú喋 啜侧▓ 啜曕ǹ啜膏﹪ 啜掂﹢ 啜呧ò啜溹喋 啜む⿱啜 啜囙è啜曕ň啜 啜曕ò啜 啜︵ň 啜呧ě啜苦〞啜距ò 啜膏﹣啜班┍啜栢ǹ啜呧à 啜班┍啜栢é啜 啜灌﹫ 啜呧à喋 啜囙ǜ 啜︵﹪ 啜﹫啜膏ú喋 啜侧▓ 啜灌⿱啜 啜膏í喋编ǜ啜监喋啜曕ò啜 啜︵﹪啜 啜︵ň 啜曕⿱啜 啜啜班啜 啜ㄠü喋啜 啜灌﹫.
啜ㄠň啜ň啜傕〞啜 啜膏┌啜┌啜о﹢ 啜膏ň啜班﹢啜嗋▊ 啜﹣喋编啜椸ǹ喋编 啜侧▓, 啜曕ǹ啜班í啜 啜曕ò啜曕﹪ 啜曕ň啜侧 啜ㄠň啜 啜膏┌啜ò啜 啜曕ò啜 啜む⿱啜 啜ㄠň 啜澿ǹ啜溹〞喋 (03) 8742 1739 啜溹ň啜 啜堗ó喋囙ú 啜班ň啜灌﹢啜 enrolments@icom.vic.edu.au.
啜ò啜む﹢ 啜︵﹪ 啜呧í啜∴﹪啜熰ǜ
Please find below our Enrolment and Expression of Interest forms available for you to download.
Please download, save and fill in the relevant form and return it to the college before the cut off dates listed above.